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Test Results

Online Test Results
Career Test
Extroverted (E) 62.86% Introverted (I) 37.14%
Realistic (S) 55.88% Imaginative (N) 44.12%
Intellectual (T) 61.76% Emotional (F) 38.24%
Easygoing (P) 54.55% Organized (J) 45.45%
Your type is: ESTP
You are a Promoter, possible professions include - real estate broker , chef, land developer, physical therapist, stock broker, news reporter, fire fighter, promoter, entrepreneur, pilot, budget analyst, insurance agent, management consultant, franchise owner, electrical engineer, aircraft mechanic, technical trainer, EEG technologist, radiological technician, emergency medical tech., corrections officer, flight attendant.
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test

Another test of the Big 5...similar results from a different test.
Big Five Word Test Results
Extroversion (61%) moderately high which suggests you are talkative, outgoing, sociable and energetic at the expense sometimes of a sense of identity seperate from others.
Friendliness (44%) moderately low which suggests you tend to be selfish, rude, uncooperative, and difficult.
Orderliness (30%) low which suggests you tend to be very unreliable, lazy, careless, and unmotivated.
Emotional Stability (55%) medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.
Openmindedness (35%) moderately low which suggests you tend to be closeminded, uncreative, and conventional.
Take Free Big Five Word Choice Test
personality tests by

My Sci-Fi Character

                                                                  Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?
This is the Sci-Fi character I tested as. Click on the picture to find out who you are.

Personality Tests