From The Right

Betty Folliard's June 15 letter
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Get Pragmatic

(letter printed in Minneapolis Star Tribune on June 15, 2001 that needed a response)<br>
What is needed to break the budget stalemate at the Capitol is either new leadership or a new a [sic] spirit of compromise from House Republicans and the governor. The Senate has already taken major steps toward finding consensus, and it's time for the other two logs in our tripartisan jam to bring an open mind to the bargaining table.<br>
Our children's schools and our state government services must not be bandied about like chips in a high-stakes poker game. It's time for Republicans and the governor to come down from their philosophical pedestals and make reasonable compromises on the level of buisness tax reductions. If they do that, the people of Minnesota will receive historic property tax cuts without having to sacrifice the quality of our education system.<br>
Rep. Betty Folliard, DFL-Hopkins

Letters to the Daily